22 - 25 March 2015

The Origin of Quality
Video presentation

La Fusina Dogliani

It extend over Langhe hills in the deep cuts of Tanaro river and its tributaries. It plugs into a territory belonging to the succession characterized by oligo-Miocene sandstone layers with thicknesses of less than 1 meter, alternating sand bodies which are locally amalgamated. They also show deformations of type slamping and slamping cars,, with a characteristic sequence of layers rather regular presence of bodies of sandstone with sand and S. Agata’s marn fossils.

The texture of these areas is predominantly litho-silty clay. The ground is thus made up of clay with iron that we ranges from oxidised form of reddish brown to the reduced dark gray. The conformation of the land makes it the ideal cultivation of wines with intense fruity nose and purple colour.